Tracheobronchial Stenting, Cicatricial Stenosis of the Left Main Bronchus.

49 years old patient on 2007 was treated with anti TB chemotherapy due to pulmonary TB. On 2015 was relapse. During many years the patient has dyspnea, increased breathing failure, why he often was hospitalised. Spirometry showed severe obstruction of airways. CT scan revealed severe fibrosis of the upper lobe of the right lung, giant emphysematous bullas in the lower lobe. Narrowing lumen of the left main bronchus less then 3 mm. Bronchoscopy showed cicatricial stenosis of the left main bronchus. Patient’s condition was gettig worse. Because of suffocation he often was forced to call an ambulance. It was decided to perform tracheobronchial stenting as the only way out. Under the general anesthesia, using the rigid bronchoscope and radiological control, was inserted self expandable tracheobronchial stent (M.D.-18mm;T.L.-40mm;L-14mmX25mm;R-14mmX25mm). After stenting the patient’s condition improved significantly. 1 month after procedure patient feels well.

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